God is Black

    The very highest aspect of the unifying Creator of all universes is ultimately a quiet blackness

    Prélèvement international de la ‘Halla : la femme qui a préparé des ‘Halloths en Espagne et à Londres, le fait à présent en Israël  

    Sarah Tolédano a pris sur elle une mission : apprendre aux femmes à prélever la ‘Halla, non pas lors d’une cérémonie…

    Lev Nishbar: Beri Weber – New Release

    Le cerveau n’est donc plus oxygéné. C’est un infarctus cérébral. Une angine de poitrine est une douleur thoracique causée par…

    Holocaust Survivor Shmuel Beller Tells his Life Story at the Western Wall – Must See

    Shmuel Beller, 92, came to recite morning prayers at the Western Wall. Watch him relate his personal story as a…

    Shwekey & Zemiros: Shivisi – Acapella Style

    Listen to Yaakov Shwekey's first official acapella song. Enjoy

    Lion Chases Giraffe – See the Surprising End

    A hungry lion pursues a giraffe, but then the unexpected happens, a new player comes into the picture. See the…

    Belief in the Ultimate Goal

    What is the ultimate goal of creation according to traditional Jewish belief?

    The Greatness of Torah: Part 2 – Rabbi Mendel Kessin

    Why are there no vowels and punctuation and in the Torah? Rabbi Mendel Kessin expounds on the depth and wisdom…

    Jungle Book Really Happened

    Not with Mowgli but with an unnamed girl

    Intuition – How Do You Know?

    Intuition, is to be in touch with that true, inner reality of self. That part of us that is closer…
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