My Teen Chose Life this Past Summer Vacation

    Religious men offer an alternative to drugs and hanging out in the park at night

    Watch: Stunning Leopard Jump

    Skill patience and devotion – that's how the leopard caught its prey. Nothing is too difficult or dangerous, for a…

    6 Natural Allergy Remedies

    Are you suffering from seasonal allergies? Try out these natural remedies that can provide you with the relief you’re looking…

    Mendy J & Simi Jacobson: Mashiach Yavo – Acapella Style

    This new music video from Mendy J shows some of the fascinating miracles that have occurred in the last century.…

    Torah and science – Astronomy: the moon’s renewal

    In this section we demonstrate how the latest knowledge of astronomy coincides perfectly with that which our Rabbis taught over…

    “G-d Took Away My Son, Now Whatever He Says I Do the Opposite!”

    But after he smoked a cigarette on Yom Kippur G-d brought him back anyway and gave him the greatest gift

    What is Judaism? When did Judaism begin?

    What is Judaism? What do Jews believe? When did Judaism begin? Rabbi Berel Wein explains the core beliefs and frameworks…

    Watch: Shwekey in Johannesburg 2018 – Aish

    See Yaakov Shwekey perform on a recent tour to Johannesburg, South Africa. Enjoy

    Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger: Body vs. Soul & the Purpose of Life

    ​Focus on the purpose of life and the role of your body and soul in carrying out your mission here
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