The Rabbi From Caracas

    The Adventures of the Rabbi from Caracas, Venezuela who dedicated himself to bring all those Jews back to where they…

    Survival Tips for a Heat Wave

    Fan or air-conditioner, how much water should I drink? Ministry of health instructions

    Why Are There Poor People?

    Why did G-d make it that there are poor people and we need to help them? He could make it…

    What Does Science Think About G-d?

    Is science advancing towards the discovery of G-d? And what did the greatest scientists state about a Diety? Simple logic…

    Rethink Your Phone – Don’t Try This at Home

    Watch: A powerful clip stressing the effects of 'the phone' on society

    Technology Then and Now: Images that will Take You Back in Time

    A series of photos that will remind you of the progress of modern technology over recent decades. Do you fail…

    Watch: Tiger Rescued from a Pit Tens of Meters Deep

    A Tiger fell into trouble, falling into a sixty meter deep pit. The farmer called for help, and rescuers rushed…

    Healing a Marriage – It’s Never too Late!

    You may be surprised to learn that some simple advice could save your relationship. Rabbi Zamir Cohen provides practical guidance…

    What is a Jew? – Historian Ken Spiro Explains

    Are the Jews a nation, a religion, a race, a family, a culture or a People? Ken Spiro elaborates

    Watch – How Did the Dog React to Drowning Child?

    Proof that dog is man's best friend. Gone viral
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