Face The Unknown by Shulem – Music Video

    "You and I are one, And wherever we're from, We all shine under the same sun". Spread Unity!

    Hanukkah – Show Me the Light

    On Hanukkah you can more readily see G-d's light

    What Does Shabbat Mean to You?

    Here's what it means to the man on the street

    Sugar Also Causes Mental Illness

    And you thought it only made you fat

    Proving the Truth

    Only the “Manufacturer” of Creation can supply an exact, tailor-fit system of “operating instructions” for the complex human beings which…

    Has the Exodus from Egypt been verified by Egyptian Archaeology?

    Not many people know that the Israelite's are clearly mentioned in ancient Egypt more than 3200 years ago. Perhaps it…

    Candle-Lighting Times: August 24, 2018 – Parshat Ki Tetzei

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: August 24, 2018 - Parshat Ki Tetzei


    Amazing and interesting facts surrounding the world around us

    “A Night at the Garden” – Infamous Nazi Rally at Madison Square Garden

    This is a stunning short documentary,directed by Marshall Curry, about the infamous Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in February…

    Weekend Getaway at the Luxurious ‘Nir Etzion’ Hotel: Shabbos Shuva 14 – 15/9

    Enjoy an exciting Shabbos Retreat with Inspirational Lectures, Glatt Kosher Gourmet Meals, Extravagant Hotel Accommodations, Kids Programs, Swimming Pool and…
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