Optical illusions

    What Do You Really See In Here? Weekly mental challenge

    Watch: Will this Maneuver Solve the Problem of Traffic?

    While this is only a simulation, it is a great solution to reduce the problem of congestion on the road…

    Back to American Slavery After Passover

    Can we overcome comfort and complacency to seek out the truth?

    Watch: Israeli Professor Reveals a Breakthrough Discovery

    Together with his team of colleagues, an Israeli professor of natural sciences, Chaim Rabinovich, managed to light a small bulb…

    Help, My Husband Has Retreated Into His Cave Again

    It’s been a long day and you’re desperate to talk about it

    6 Reasons for Male Infertility

    Male infertility used to be rare but now almost 50% of couples now need to deal with it

    The Illusion of Control

    While Hashem holds the ultimate “keys,” he gives us a set of our own

    Watch: Multi-Colored Corn – It’s Real!

    An Oklahoma farmer isolated types of corn from his Native American ancestors. He then selected, saved and replanted seeds from…

    Teachings of Rav Shmuel Shmelke Horowitz of Nikolsberg

    Also known as “the Rebbe Reb Shmelke,” a main disciple of the Mezritcher Maggid and the author of “Divrei Shmuel.”

    An Inexplicable Sin (Parshat Chukat)

    Anger has no place in our lives
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