Immortality and Science

    The soul, electrons, biological transformation and regeneration, and more!

    Watch: Fish Devours Bird above Water

    This fish calculates the direction and speed of the bird's flight, and leaps for its meal just at the right…

    The Chef Who Closed Her Restaurant on Shabbat; “G-d Will Provide for Me”

    What brought a chef who owned a successful restaurant in Tel Aviv that was open for over a decade to…

    At the Last Minute The Cremation Was Averted

    Michael Osborne travelled to the island of Negros for medical treatment , but in the end he passed away. Since…

    The Ohr Hachaim – An Exclusive Pair of Tefillin

    What happened to the tefillin of Rabbi Chaim ibn Attar after he passed away?

    Parshat Hachodesh: Your Key to Renewed Strength

    10 facts about Parshat Hachodesh

    Sick and tired

    Why I prefer to self-diagnose

    Change of Perception – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    Since one cannot change reality, one must learn to change one's attitude towards whatever challenges life presents.

    Watch: Brilliant Chinese Fishing Technique

    How is it possible to fish hundreds of fish in just a few minutes? The Chinese have an especially 'efficient'…

    Must See – The Future of The Jewish Family – Panel with Rabbi Menachem Levine

    Why is intermarriage forbidden? What is the Torah approach to intermarriage? “People who are products of intermarriage, have less connection…
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