Women to know : She signed up to become an organ donor

    It’s not our world; it’s Hashem’s world, we just do what he directs us to do, and he will take…

    Questions and Answers about Noah and the Flood

    Is there any scientific evidence of Noah's flood? How were millions of species able to enter the ark? And what…

    Cute Baby Animal Pictures

    You will brighten your day when you see these delightful baby animal images. Wonders of Ceation

    Yonatan Razel – No More Raisins, No More Almonds

    Yonatan Razel presents a unique song originally sung in Yiddish. Watch

    Lecha Dodi: A Capella Style by Six13

    Welcome the Shabbat with Lecha Dodi. No instruments used, only human voice. Sensational

    Watch: Who’s in the Egg? You will be Surprised

    See an egg hatching before your eyes

    Returning to Judaism in the Galilee: Sparks of Jewish Life in the Ben Ami Village

    You are invited to an unusual journey: A Shabbat in the Ben Ami village in the Galilee. A talk with…

    Your Fruit and Vegetables May Be Carcinogenic

    Chances are at least some of them have higher levels of dangerous substances than permitted by law

    The Pleiades Star Cluster

    The human eye can make out six stars in the Pleiades star cluster, though the Talmud says that it contains…

    Dreams – The Spiritual Realm of the Mundane

    Among other messages, dreams convey that our mundane, daily lives can in fact be transformed and elevated to the spiritual…
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