Do We Wear Tefillin on Purim?

    Q. Dear Rabbi, Do we wear Tefillin on Purim? Secondly, besides “Al Hanisim” in the amida are there other changes…

    Who is Hashem? What Does “Hashem” Mean?

    What can we fully grasp about Hashem? Who is Hashem – Really? A simple and Kabbalistic explanation by Rabbi Nachum…

    A Fad or a Daf?

    Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin instituted what is perhaps one of the most significant structural changes in Jewish history that…

    Lev Nishbar: Beri Weber – New Release

    Le cerveau n’est donc plus oxygéné. C’est un infarctus cérébral. Une angine de poitrine est une douleur thoracique causée par…

    “A Taxi Driver Returned My Jewelry”

    It was worth tens of thousands of shekels

    See How Teens Respond to a Bride and Groom Stuck in Traffic

    A bride and groom returning home after their wedding; got stuck in a traffic jam in Jerusalem. Yeshiva students in…

    Don’t Fight Your Addiction All by Yourself

    Join a support group, it'll make all the difference

    Q & A – Can I Smoke Dope?

    According to Jewish law, is one allowed to smoke drugs?

    Who is The Messiah? Must See

    What will happen when the Messiah arrives? Will the Messiah be some sort of savior or liberator? Rabbi Manis Friedman…

    Watch: ’Potato Fish’. Does Such a Fish Exist?

    A potato fish seems to have been filmed off the coast of Ireland. See wonders of creation beneath the sea…
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