Out of the Dumps, Performing Onstage

    Chani Goldstein never dreamed she'd become a successful female vocalist and DJ but G-d made it happen

    Watch Spinner Dolphins Leap Acrobatically Into the Air

    Spinner dolphins are usually found in off-shore tropical waters around the world. They are famous for their acrobatic displays in…

    Watch: Shwekey in Johannesburg 2018 – Aish

    See Yaakov Shwekey perform on a recent tour to Johannesburg, South Africa. Enjoy

    How did The Righteous Merit Lighting up the World with Their Torah?

    Rabbi Shteinman’s answer will surprise you.

    Pesach Sheni (2nd Passover) Is Here

    You always have another chance

    Am I Sleeping Enough?

    Is there a recommended amount of sleep that could engender tranquility, clarity of mind and the easy absorption, comprehension and…

    The Fetus Sees and Feels – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The Sages had an oral tradition that a fetus has a special sense and knowledge of the world around it.…

    What Does Crawling Do for a Baby?

    It helps muscle and motor development but what about all the microorganisms inhaled?

    Y-Studs – Don’t Stop Me Now: A Queen Hanukkah

    Y-Studs A Cappella presents: "Don't Stop Me Now: a Queen Hanukkah," An Energetic Hanukkah Cover of Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me…

    Juiciest Ever Chicken Burgers (PLUS Chunky Tomato Guacamole)

    Your body won’t have any regret if you make ‘em and neither will your taste buds!
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