Do Not Look At The Spider – Look What It Can Do

    Spiders: Why are we so afraid of them, and why should we not be afraid? Amazing reasons that will help…

    See more Wonders of Creation – A Bird Changing Color

    The Anna's Hummingbird has the unique ability to change color. These hummingbirds can shake their bodies 55 times per second…

    Watch: Stormy Skies in North Dakota

    See rare footage of huge storm clouds in North Dakota. Wonders of Creation

    Prélèvement international de la ‘Halla : la femme qui a préparé des ‘Halloths en Espagne et à Londres, le fait à présent en Israël  

    Sarah Tolédano a pris sur elle une mission : apprendre aux femmes à prélever la ‘Halla, non pas lors d’une cérémonie…

    Asher’s Hanukkah Miracle

    The Hanukkah song Maoz Tzur saved him

    The Shocking Truth About Assimilation

    We are disappearing fast

    Ben Gurion 82 years ago: “Would We Keep Shabbat If We Had a Jewish State?”

    82 years ago this week, David Ben Gurion addressed the issue in a letter about public Shabbat observance

    Watch: NASA Finds Perfectly Rectangular Iceberg in Antarctica

    The straight, flat, frozen block looks like it has been deliberately cut into shape. It’s thought to have broken away…

    “Always With You” – Official Music Video – Various Artists

    “G-d is Always With You” – You must see this touching song, starring Shmueli Ungar, Eli Marcus, Michoel Pruzansky, Shloime…

    Why We Shouldn’t Celebrate ‘Marriage Equality’

    The decision of the US Supreme Court that same-sex couples are entitled to marry is no cause for celebration
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