Have We Been Set Up For Failure?

    How can we stand before G-d and apologize if we're going to do it again?

    Why do People get Depressed? – Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

    Why does modern society struggle with depression? What is the cure for depression? Rabbi Akiva Tatz explains how to overcome…

    Daily Halacha: Naming After One Who Died Young

    Naming for one who died in tragic circumstances may not be a good omen for the child.

    Avraham Fried – Pashut Anashim

    From the Album, 'It's So Good that We Met'. Enjoy

    Unlocking the Secret Code of the Talmud – Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein

    What is the significance of the Talmud in Judaism? What is the function of the Talmud? What is the intent…

    I’m Making A Contract with G-d

    I did everything in my power to conceive; now You must take over

    Meditation: Twenty-Four Little Hours

    Most of your random thoughts don’t get you far, nor do they give you any real pleasure. There are other…

    It’s Extremely Difficult to Break Up an Intermarriage

    Mostly, by the time we intervene it’s too late

    Watch: Wolf Chases a Mountain Gazelle – Breathtaking

    Last weekend, in the Judean Desert cliffs: The Israel Nature and National Parks Protection Authority has documented a fascinating pursuit…

    Knowledge of bee honey contents in the torah

    Just as the camel eats grass and turns it into milk after it was processed in the camel’s body, and…
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