Menahem Begin pour la sainteté du Chabbat : regardez un discours émouvant extrait des archive

    Menahem Begin dans un discours brûlant pour la sainteté du Chabbat

    The Secret Life of Plants – Do Plants have Feelings?

    In 1970, the leading Russian newspaper Pravda announced in an explosive headline: “Plants Speak. Yes, They Shout! Only to Avoid…

    You Can Have All the Knowledge of the World For $60!

    The Torah is the wisdom of G-d Himself and it's readily available

    The 10th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    Only the Torah has any compelling historical source that makes it authentic and documents its divinity

    Teachings of Rav Moshe Chaim Efraim of Sudilkov

    A grandson of the Ba’al Shem Tov and the author of “Degel Machaneh Efraim.”

    The Soul of the Inanimate

    If the constant energy that comes from the Creator were to stop driving the electrons round in their orbits, the…

    Hareini: New Release by Benny Friedman – Lyric Video

    "Veohavta L'reiacha Kamocha' - Love your neighbor as you love yourself'

    Elul – The Effects We Have on Others

    This is the season for change, for reinforcing the positive and taking steps to divest ourselves of the negative

    13 Amazing Facts About Rabbi Aryeh Levin, on His Yohrzeit

    Today the ninth of Nissan, is the anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Aryeh Levin. 13 facts about his unique…

    The Hidabroot Convention: Weekend Getaway Before Rosh Hashanah 9/20 – 9/22 | 2019

    Enjoy a Shabbat Retreat, a Motzei Shabbat Grand Event, Inspirational Lectures throughout the weekend, Glatt Kosher Gourmet Meals, Luxurious Accommodation…
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