More Helpful Tips for Married Women – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Essential advice for maintaining marital harmony from Rabbi Zamir Cohen's latest book on marriage

    ‘Hatov’ by Yonatan Razel

    Lyrics: "You are the Beneficent One, for Your mercies have not ceased. You are the Merciful, for Your kindnesses have…

    You are Unique – A Short Film with a Powerful Message

    When you try to be like everyone else and it doesn't go - don't be discouraged. There is a good…

    Can’t G-d Just “Help Us Out”?

    Why can’t G-d (Hashem) just “help us out” and “finish up” the job we have to do? Why do our…

    Purim-How it Used to Be in my Father’s Home

    Some memories you will always take with you.

    Where Will the Messiah Live?

    He will arrive on a white donkey…but he also has a house. ‘The House of the Messiah’ is standing erect…


    A poor man’s smile enriched me in so many ways

    Tehillim – Psalms for Friday

    Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Friday, divided into daily portions. Friday Psalms: Chapters 107 – 119

    Women:  Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi will Inspire you for Rosh Hashana

    You’ll laugh and cry from her empowering words

    A Short Film with a Powerful Message – Must See

    Is money all that matters in life? How would you respond in this circumstance? Gone viral
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