Eliyahu Chait: Lecha Dodi – Music Video

    Eliyahu Chait, Son of the legendary composer R’ Baruch Chait with his latest hit, Lecha Dodi

    Do Cherries Need to be Checked for Bugs? – Watch

    Rabbi Moshe Vaye says that cherries from Brazil don't need to be checked, whereas cherries from Argentina need checking. It…

    What is Judaism? When did Judaism begin?

    What is Judaism? What do Jews believe? When did Judaism begin? Rabbi Berel Wein explains the core beliefs and frameworks…

    Watch: Fish or Giant?

    A diver, diving off the coast of Australia, was surprised to discover this giant fish. Gone viral

    Social Media & The King of Jewish Music

    Meir Kay explains the impact of social media to the King of Jewish Music; MBD - Mordechai Ben David

    The Ultimate Goal of Successful Education – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The measure of success in education is how the child behaves when he is not with his parents and teachers…

    “Jealousy, Desire and Honor Remove a Person from this World”

    Rabbi Zamir Cohen elaborates on the Mishna in Avot and the words of Maimonides on how to have a good…

    It’s All From Above

    True faith in G-d requires one to firmly believe that everything that happens is Straight from Above

    A Single Woman’s Letter to G-d

    You’re the owner of the jewelry store. Don’t you have a jewel for me?

    The Sanctity of the Synagogue – Rabbi Mordechai Becher

    Rabbi Mordechai Becher elaborates on the importance of not talking in shul. Must watch
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