Can I use Marijuana or Alcohol to get Happy According to Jewish Law?

    Find out what's the difference between alcohol and drugs according to Jewish law

    Vous avez du mal à vous endormir  la nuit ? Vous ne croirez jamais quelle en est la cause !

    Une étude récente a découvert que travailler devant un écran d’ordinateur dans la soirée, a des répercussions sur la qualité…

    The Mystical Aspect of Mirrors

    Mirrors have enabled science to potentially move much closer to the truth of the Torah

    Guarding the Eyes, Guarding the Mind

    A person who escapes temptation by avoiding immodest images and heretical thoughts and ideas is a calm individual, content and…

    Free Will In Action – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    Battles are always being fought at the point of free will, and that point is always changing

    Researchers Invented Printable Medical Testing Tool

    This affordable idea will save many lives in third world countries.

    Eikev: Always Here

    What is true love? What is our greatest fear? Why do we often feel like Hashem has abandoned us? How…


    Bruriah used to participate in Jewish legal discussions with scholars, and even disputed her father on the laws of purity…

    Fast of Gedaliah Times: September 12, 2018 | 3 Tishrei 5779

    Fast of Gedaliah Times for Major Cities Around the World: September 12, 2018 | 3 Tishrei 5779

    How Come Jews Practice Shechita? (Jewish ritual slaughter)

    Not only do kosher animals not suffer during ritual slaughter, they do not even experience emotional discomfort before the act,…
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