A Simple Blood Test Will Help Treat Depression?

    University of Texas Southwestern Researchers have recently developed a simple blood test which will be a major breakthrough in treatment…

    The Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith – Maimonides

    According to Maimonides, these are the most important principles in Judaism that every Jew must know. The 13 Principles of…

    Teachings of Rav Mordechai of Chernobyl

    Also known as the Chernobler Maggid, the son and successor of Rav Menachem Nachum and the author of “Likutei Torah.”

    Gallery: Sea Sand Sculptures

    Next time you go to the beach, try constructing a sandcastle like one of these

    The Coin of Eliyahu Hanavi (Elijah the Prophet)

    Disguising himself as a stranger, Eliyahu descended into the world and handed the man a shekel

    Out of the Dumps, Performing Onstage

    Chani Goldstein never dreamed she'd become a successful female vocalist and DJ but G-d made it happen

    Technology vs. Emotional Health

    Technology is winning and our emotional health is losing big time

    Rivkah Imeinu – Kindness with Wisdom

    Optimal kindness requires wisdom. With an awareness of those around him, one can perceive their needs and provide for them…

    How Did Rabbi Kanievsky Know the Groom’s Tzitzit Were Invalid?

    A groom went in to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky to receive a blessing. To his shock, the rabbi asked him “Why…

    The Jewish Home: A Place of Comfort – R. Yemima Mizrachi

    Our homes must be places of comfort. We lock the doors. We lock the windows. Life has become so frightening.…
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