Are French Fries a Life Endangering Food?

    Modern research says to watch out for it

    What’s the Biggest Threat to Jewish Survival?

    What is it and what do we do about it?

    Watch: Incredible Discovery about Drops of Water

    A fascinating study conducted in Stuttgart Germany, reveals that every drop of water has its own unique 'face'. This study…

    The Fetus Sees and Feels – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The Sages had an oral tradition that a fetus has a special sense and knowledge of the world around it.…

    Watch NASA’s Rocket Launch Towards the Sun for Closest Look Ever

    The mission was dispatched from Florida, costing a total of $ 1.5 billion. The Parker Solar Probe will make 24…

    Watch: Israeli Baseball Players Wearing Kippahs during Anthem

    Seoul World Cup: Israel's baseball team wore their kippahs during the anthem "Hatikva" – From the coach to the last…


    Chareidi women are becoming involved in peacemaking

    Do G-d and Science Conflict? Watch

    Can G-d and science coexist? Ollie Anisfeld elaborates. Brought to you by J-TV

    Touching Gallery: Before and After Cancer

    Adults and children from around the world share pictures of themselves undergoing and overcoming cancer. Inspiring images

    “When Is the Religious Burial Society Coming to Bury Me?”

    Says deceased man to children in a dream
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