Jerusalem the Holy City

    20 facts about Jerusalem and its holiness

    More than just the clothes

    The poritz was terribly distressed about his son’s irresponsible behavior

    Yossi Lebowitz: Retzei V’Hachalitzenu – Music Video

    Composed and arranged by Yossi Lebowitz. Piano by Yaron Gershovski. Strings arranged by Yisroel Lamm

    The Path to Happiness in Married Life

    A married couple that has internalized the fact that they are not identical and do not, and are not supposed…

    The Roots of an Eternal Jewish Nation – Jacob Rupp

    "We are a product of our daily struggles". Brought to you by Drops of Light

    Fragments of my past

    It’s heartbreaking watching my father dole out the past with no genuinely interested takers

    How to Fight the Evil Inclination

    Differences and similarities between conventional wars and the war against the evil inclination

    Life after life – 3: Return of Souls as if they Were Alive

    "They told this account to Rabbi Noach, who then went into the room. When he saw the deceased he said…

    Shacharit: Morning Prayer – Ashkenaz – Part 2

    Click Here For Part 1 אַשְׁרֵי יושְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ. עוד יְהַלְלוּךָ סֶּלָה: אַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שֶׁכָּכָה לּו. אַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שֶׁה’ אֱלהָיו: תְּהִלָּה לְדָוִד. אֲרומִמְךָ…

    “My Doctors Gave Me Only 5 Years to Live”

    ‘But I found a natural cure with G-d’s help’
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