Speaking Negatively for a Benefit

    May one speak gossip in order to end a dispute? Is it permissible to speak negatively in order to save…

    Connections: Before and After – Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller

    Your soul is the light that gives you vision that takes you far beyond the confines that your body imposes

    10 Facts About the Ramchal

    When the Ramchal was only fourteen, he already knew all of Kabbalah by heart…

    The Effect of Colors on the Human Psyche – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    What color are you particularly drawn to? What does that imply about you? Why is green the color of the…

    True Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

    Where can you find true life, liberty and the true pursuit of happiness?

    ‘Hatov’ by Yonatan Razel

    Lyrics: "You are the Beneficent One, for Your mercies have not ceased. You are the Merciful, for Your kindnesses have…

    Live Streaming -watch Now

    Rabbi Daniel Glastein Live from Chazaq Event Brooklyn NY

    Six13 – Gam Ki Elech

    Six13 A Cappella presents 'Gam Ki Elech'. On Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), our people mourns millions whose lives were…

    Watch: Who Said Watermelon and Didn’t Get?

    See how hippopotamuses like to eat their watermelon. What an appetite!

    Amazing End to Story of Apostate Who Spoke With The Lubavitcher Rebbe

    One of the most famous clips from the dollar distribution of the Lubavitcher Rebbe showed an apostate Jew trying to…
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