A Single Woman’s Letter to G-d

    You’re the owner of the jewelry store. Don’t you have a jewel for me?

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant, They Both Go through the Same Things (Part One)

    If you understand what an immigrant goes through you’ll understand what a Baal Teshuva goes through

    The Miracle That’s You, Don’t Settle for Mediocrity

    Your uniqueness is the source of your strength

    Security Forces Put a Mezuzah at the Entrance of an Hezbollah Tunnel – Watch

    A tunnel dug for years by Hezbollah was recently discovered by the mercy of G-d. The tunnel reaches a depth…

    Familiarity With EVERY Kind of Animal in the World!!

    The Torah delineates four creatures which have just one sign of purity- chewing the cud without having cloven feet. This…

    The Man Behind ArtScroll – Architect Of A Revolution – Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz

    What was the secret of Rabbi Zlotowitz's phenomenal success? How did he attract supporters from the entire spectrum of Jewish…

    Purim-How it Used to Be in my Father’s Home

    Some memories you will always take with you.

    Watch: Yaakov Shwekey & Shlomi Shabbat – Vehi Sheamda

    Yaakov Shwekey and Shlomi Shabbat perform at a concert in Tel Aviv. What a gorgeous blend of Jewish musical talent

    The ‘Key’ To Livelihood

    This Shabbat there’s a custom to prepare a challah in the form of a key as a Segulah (spiritual remedy)…

    How Can we Make Spirituality more Accessible? – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    How can you become a person of great moral character? What is the key to becoming a more humble individual?…
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