Carlebach Shabbos Medley – Avrumy Straus

    Watch Carlebach Shabbos Medley - Chassidish Style

    (Coca) Cola ’Added Life’ to a Patient by Dissolving a Stomach Obstruction

    This preempted an invasive surgery to remove the obstruction

    Divorce – The Right Perspective

    Working on a marriage takes just as much effort as ending it

    Mendy Weiss & Neranenu Choir – Vehinei Hashem Nitzov

    Ces normes excluent les petits avions de tourisme et les appareils militaires. Ces performances, qui témoignent de la capacité de…

    Science Discovers the Truths of the Torah

    How did our Sages know scientific truths long before they were discovered through the use of modern technology?

    How to Break the Habit of Backseat Driving – Watch

    How do you get out of the ‘Me tell you what to do’ mode in marriage? Host of ‘The Ladies…

    The “Gift” of Waiting

    Which can only be appreciated if you have the gift of faith

    Light for the Soul

    A person who strives to improve his character traits and achieve a sterling character is often confused regarding the best…

    Touch – The Superglue of Human Relations

    Touch could be called the Superglue of human relations. Take two clean surfaces, and Superglue will immediately stick them together.…

    Vayishlach: True Love

    When there’s true love, we start to focus on the tiny details of good in other people. When we choose…
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