Is It Best to Sin and Repent or to Have Been Righteous One’s Whole Life?

    And its corollary: since the Sages say that those who repent get a special place in heaven, is it better…

    Watch: The Amazon’s Boiling River Kills

    Wonders of Creation: Geothermal scientist Andrés Ruzo discovers a boiling hot river deep in the Amazon. Incredible

    Man, Space & Time: The Three Levels of Unity

    What do these things have to do with one another

    Watch: Underground Ballistic Missile Launchers of Houthi Rebels in Yemen

    The underground launch facilities will make it difficult for the Saudi-led coalition to hit the Houthi ballistic missiles launched towards…

    Rabbi Warren Goldstein Launches Third Annual ‘Shabbat Project’

    This coming week the third annual Shabbos Project will impact Jews worldwide

    “Why Aren’t You Married Already?”

    My parents added insult to injury in dealing with me, their single daughter that wouldn’t get married

    Repentance for Slander and Gossip

    How should one repent for speaking slander or gossip about a fellow Jew?

    Proof of Prophecy: The Second Exile

    In the previous section of "proof of prophecy" we set out the prophecy regarding the First Temple. In this section…

    Shabbat – The Seventh Dimension: The Spiritual Within the Physical

    One of the most cherished mitzvot in the Torah that seems to have a restrictive component is Shabbat. However, a…
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