Change of Perception – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    Since one cannot change reality, one must learn to change one's attitude towards whatever challenges life presents.

    Anti-Semitism: German Streets are Dangerous for Jews

    Anti-Semitism is on the rise in Germany

    Life After Death in This World

    The day that the babies were born was the same date that his son and his son's friend were murdered……

    Watch: Thousands of Cranes in Agamon, Israel

    As part of a project to protect farmers, food is scattered for the crane birds in designated areas during the…

    A Cantonist’s Soul is Reawakened

    The guard watched in wonder as the Jew danced round and round with the small volume in his hands

    David Zaks' Journey From Hollywood to Judaism

    A disarmingly honest and funny personal account of Hollywood and finding Judaism.

    Repentance for Slander and Gossip

    How should one repent for speaking slander or gossip about a fellow Jew?

    The Temple Mount

    What is so unique about the Temple Mount?

    What is Judaism?

    How do you define it?
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