Cancer Patient Dreams: “Check Your Tefillin”

    After getting this dream 3 times he did and they weren't kosher.

    Why Must I Always Pray Every Day?

    Doesn’t G-d know what I need?

    How Many Times Did We Leave Egypt?

    Why is it repeated? Why are many travels in Massei "according to the word of G-d"

    The Consequences of Counting the People

    The Torah forbids counting people directly and also says that this form of counting could cause a plague. This was…

    Bishop Gordon: Judaism Will Bring Light to Africa

    Bishop Samuel Gordon told Rabbi Shalom Arush “Your book The Garden of Wisdom changed my life!”

    Why Does Judaism Forbid Tattoos?

    If I have a tattoo, can I be buried in a Jewish cemetery? Why does the Torah prohibit tattoos? Rabbi…

    Living Shmittah

    Shemittah sensitivity - Do we have enough sensitivity to the laws of Shemittah?

    The Jewish Home

    This basic building block of our existence has the potential

    A Shidduch Story: Sorry, Wrong Number

    Countless memories crossed Shira’s mind of the times her father warned her not to ever bring home a Yeshiva boy,…
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