I Went Off the Cliff in My Van

    There’s no natural way to explain surviving this.

    But I’m Not Tired Yet Mommy

    According to specialists, getting enough sleep is crucial for children’s development

    Cantor Netanel Ilovitsky: K’vodo – Composed by Meir Martin Widerker

    Arranged by Menachem Bristowski. Produced by Israel Bergman

    Watch: The Music of La La Land by The A Team Orchestra

    Ce médicament est contre-indiqué dans les situations suivantes : – Hypersensibilité à la substance active ou à l’un des excipients.…

    Mincha: Afternoon Prayer – Ashkenaz

    אַשְׁרֵי יושְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ. עוד יְהַלְלוּךָ סֶּלָה:  אַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שֶׁכָּכָה לּו. אַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שה' אֱלהָיו:  תְּהִלָּה לְדָוִד. אֲרומִמְךָ אֱלוהַי הַמֶּלֶךְ. וַאֲבָרְכָה…

    The True Secret Behind the Star of David

    What does the Star of David symbolize? What is the origin of the "Star of David"? Rabbi Zamir Cohen explains…

    10 Tips to Protect Yourself from Winter Colds

    Where do germs hide? How often should I change my linens or towels? Here are 10 tips to prevent the…

    Why Lychee Can be Fatal for Children

    It can cause profound hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) leading to convulsions and death

    Should I Pray for Evil People or My Enemies?

    You are really asking for them to return to good

    Watch: Yonatan Razel & Mzansi Youth Choir – Our Soul Waits

    Filmed at a concert in South Africa in May. Accompanied by the Jonny Sklar Band. Enjoy
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