Sefardi Party – Avi Peretz & The Freilach Band

    Feel the Magic as Avi and The Freilach Band perform some of the most popular Israeli and Sefardi songs

    Stress after Rest: Healthy or Unhealthy?

    With having neither the data of the Emergency Medical Service nor the latest statistics from the United States, our Sages…

    Gedolim Speak

    From The Declaration of the Gedolim Regarding The Hidabroot Organization We hereby make a holy declaration in favor of the…

    Rabbi Warren Goldstein Launches Third Annual ‘Shabbat Project’

    This coming week the third annual Shabbos Project will impact Jews worldwide

    Love is Based on Giving

    In order to build a sanctuary of peace and friendship, a dwelling place for the Divine presence, it is imperative…

    10 Tips to Protect Yourself from Winter Colds

    Where do germs hide? How often should I change my linens or towels? Here are 10 tips to prevent the…

    Kindness at a Supermarket

    The cashier swept her own credit card for me!

    Watch: Bridge in the Heart of New York Blown Up

    The bridge between Brooklyn and Queens was destroyed by a controlled explosion by the authorities. A new interchange will be…

    The Torah’s View on Organ Donation

    According to Judaism, are we allowed to donate organs after death?

    Conservative Female Rabbi Crosses Lines and Becomes Orthodox

    In a open article publicized this week, Einat Ramon explains why she abandoned Conservative Judaism and her belief in authentic…
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