Actors Think They Can Write a Better Script

    In our blessing 'Shehakol' we declare Everything comes from Him. Let's remember that when we have doubts.

    Powers of the Mikveh

    A woman who immerses herself in the water receives powers similar to a great and righteous Rebbe

    Social Experiment in London: How did Gentiles React to Humiliated Jew

    Anti-Semitic or not - you decide: A social experiment done by two guys - One an Afro-American and the other…

    Tzaddik Pays Electric Bill For Soldier In Need

    Some people will not stand by when they see a person in need, but what occurred on a train this…

    If You Can’t Beat Them

    What's more harrowing for parents than traveling with their children? Jet-lagged kids!

    Java and Genetics

    Why is that your coworker can make it through the day with a cup and a half of coffee but…

    Boruch Levine & Simcha Leiner: Ashreinu by Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz

    How should we respond to the recent events in Pittsburgh and attacks in Southern Israel? How should we respond any…

    A Spiritual Remedy Guaranteed to Work on The Fast of Esther

    A Segulah (spiritual remedy) that should be performed at the crack of dawn of the Fast of Esther

    Beri Weber: Rabi Shimon – Official Music Video

    Watch Beri Weber and the Malchus Choir sing the popular 'Rabi Shimon Ben Yochai Omer'

    Fascinating – Watch Wildebeest Crossing the Mara River in Kenya

    Thousands of wildebeest stampede through the raging river infested with hungry crocodiles. Many wildebeest fail the crossing due to injury,…
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