Watch: Deep Sea Diver Lights the Menorah on the Sea Floor

    A deep sea diver challenges himself to light the menorah in the depths of the sea while being surrounded by…

    People With ADHD Are Particularly Suited for Business Entrepreneurship

    A new British study found that the challenging symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are beneficial in the business…

    Shacharit: Morning Prayer – Ashkenaz – Part 3

    Click Here For Part 2 תחנון: נפילת אפיים: וַיּאמֶר דָּוִד אֶל גָּד, צַר לִי מְאד, נִפְּלָה נָּא בְיַד ה’, כִּי רַבִּים רַחֲמָיו,…

    Parshat Behar: Shemittah, The Great Equalizer

    Just as everyone can partake of the fruit, everyone can partake of the Torah, we're all equal

    Striving for Excellence

    Marriage is not a relationship in which we simply learn how to peacefully coexist. The Torah’s expectations of the marriage…

    What will the Third Temple Look Like? Watch Amazing Simulation

    Everyday we look forward to the moment we will witness the building of the Third Temple. In the meantime watch…

    Watch: Brilliant Chinese Fishing Technique

    How is it possible to fish hundreds of fish in just a few minutes? The Chinese have an especially 'efficient'…

    Shir Hamaalot by Yeedle – Official Music Video

    Produced by Esther Zicherman, Script written by Yeedle Werdyger. Scenes shot at various locales throughout Israel

    The Cause of Death of Healthy Young People

    If someone died young from sudden heart failure his family should know there is a genetic factor.

    How Do I Know G-d is With Me?

    Look back at your life and see how many times G-d intervened.
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