Watch: Judean Desert from a Bird’s Eye View after the Winter Rains

    After the winter rains the Judean desert isn’t so barren and desolate anymore. “There is no artist like our G-d”…

    Q & A: Is it Permissible to Celebrate Thanksgiving?

    Is celebrating Thanksgiving considered to be avoda zara (idol worship), or chukat hagoyim?

    Avraham Fried & Yonatan Razel: ‘Katonti’

    Performed at a Tzomah concert. Masterpiece

    Watch: New Use for the Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

    Great idea for those of you who rely on the robotic vacuum cleaner to clean the floor

    Security Forces Put a Mezuzah at the Entrance of an Hezbollah Tunnel – Watch

    A tunnel dug for years by Hezbollah was recently discovered by the mercy of G-d. The tunnel reaches a depth…

    How to Respond to your Wife’s Complaints

    Each spouse should focus on what applies to him/her rather than focus on the responsibilities of the other

    Women to know : The spirituality she’d sought in the ashram she found in Judaism

    Husband first, kids second, seminary third... It has to be that way

    Carnivorous Plants in Action – Watch

    The plant captures its victims in wondrous ways that only The Creator can design. Wonders of Creation

    No Questions Asked

    A story from one of the darkest periods in Jewish history

    See the World’s Highest Man-Made Waterfall on a Chinese Skyscraper

    The Chinese man-made waterfall reaches the height of 108 meters. It costs almost $120 per-hour to pump water to the…
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