The Miracle That’s You, Don’t Settle for Mediocrity

    Your uniqueness is the source of your strength

    Character, Fate, and Free Choice

    The Talmudic Sages addressed the question of fate and free will with a simple sentence: “Everything is in the hands…

    Watch Now: Chazaq Hoshana Rabbah Event Live in New York

    It is customary to stay awake through the night of Hoshana Raba and study Torah. Join Hidabroot, Torah-Anytime & Chazaq…

    Gallery: Heart-Warming Pictures of Animals in the Snow

    Magical photos that will make you smile

    How Do You Find the True Religion?

    There are a lot of confusing choices out there... which one is the right one?

    The Day from Which the Fetus is considered a Person

    Scientists Discover: “We do not know much about the development of the brain of the fetus… until about the fortieth…

    Say “Yes” to Shabbat

    Shabbat looks way different from the inside

    Yosef and Deenah – Two Ways of Overcoming Evil

    We learn from Yosef and Deenah that there are two approaches to fighting evil; destroying it and reforming it

    Shmueli Ungar: ‘Mach A Bracha’ – Music Video

    Every day, from when we wake up, till we go to bed, we have the opportunity to make blessings. In…

    Israel In Our Hearts – FDD Singers – Music Video

    The song, called 'Israel in our Hearts', talks about the deep connection that every Jew feels for the holy Land…
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