A Sign from Heaven? Massive Plague of Locusts Hits Mecca

    What caused the severe locust epidemic to spread in Mecca? Is there a connection to the Weekly Torah Portion ‘Bo’?…

    Taking In Shabbat Early

    Why take in Shabbat early?

    The Wisdom of a Woman

    While men tend to see the big picture, women have a unique ability to discern fine details. For this reason,…

    The Impact of Silence on the Human Body

    Our Sages tell us that silence protects human wisdom, and is the healthiest pill to swallow

    Watch: Divers Discover Huge Deep-Sea Worm Over 8m Long

    Deep-sea divers came across a spectacular site while swimming off the coast of New Zealand. They encountered a giant deep-sea…

    What will the Third Temple Look Like? Watch Amazing Simulation

    Everyday we look forward to the moment we will witness the building of the Third Temple. In the meantime watch…


    Bruriah used to participate in Jewish legal discussions with scholars, and even disputed her father on the laws of purity…

    Educating Our Young: Creating Harmony in the Home

    How parents relate to each other has a significant effect on how their children relate to one another and, later,…

    From Martial Arts to Chasidut: The Story of Dror Pirus

    Dror Pirus wanted to improve his knowledge of natural forms of healing, but in the end he found the natural…

    You Won’t Believe Where Kosher Food Comes From!

    Kosher supervisors have access to countries who are officially enemies of Israel
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