Did You Know a Single Cloud can Weigh more than 1 Million Pounds?

    How far can chickens fly? How many breaths do you take a year? 10 Interesting facts, you probably didn't know

    A Short Film with a Powerful Message – Must See

    Is money all that matters in life? How would you respond in this circumstance? Gone viral

    Women to know : How Rebbetzin Lori Palatnik is bringing thousands of Jews back to Judaism

    If you can inspire the mother, then you’ve inspired the whole family

    Uvyom HaShabbos – Shulem Lemmer ft. Sababa and The Shira Choir

    Shulem Lemmer revives an old famous cantors niggun. Absolute masterpiece

    Thinking outside the box – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    Looking for creative solutions to problems and not giving up easily can spell the difference between success and failure.

    Watch: Wonders of Creation – Blossoms Flowering in Slow Motion

    More Wonders of Creation: Amazing processes occur daily, under our noses. See one of them, and don't forget to thank…

    Our Immune System 101

    An animation that puts you inside your body watching the battles it figths daily

    Join Rabbi Mendel Kessin this Coming Sunday Feb 12 . 2017 at 8:00pm in Jerusalem

    Come and join the world renowned Rabbi Mendel Kessin in an inspiring lecture titled 'Anticipating Mashiach' on Sunday Feb 12…

    The Danger of Drugs

    Death from drug overdose can happen in the nicest families. There's no special demographic that is immune. Try to be…

    10 Strategies and Segulot for Tranquility From Rabbanit Kanievsky OBM

    Her advice always worked; here are 10 tips for various things including attaining calmness and tranquility.
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