The Real Summit – The Quest for Purpose & Meaning in Life

    The drive to experience a real sense of being – of feeling alive, is one of the strongest that comprises…

    Q & A: Is it Permissible to Celebrate Thanksgiving?

    Is celebrating Thanksgiving considered to be avoda zara (idol worship), or chukat hagoyim?

    A Shidduch Story: Sorry, Wrong Number

    Countless memories crossed Shira’s mind of the times her father warned her not to ever bring home a Yeshiva boy,…

    The Revolution 3: Interview with Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Parallel universes in Kabbalistic teachings, the future flowing into the present and the contraction of the moon are only some…

    Watch: Face to Face with a Crocodile

    Our brave cat has no fear for the fearsome crocodile, he looks the croc in the eye and even manages…

    Do You Want Proof That G-d Watches Over us?

    Why is it impossible for G-d to forsake His world?

    Teachings of Rav Shmuel Shmelke Horowitz of Nikolsberg

    Also known as “the Rebbe Reb Shmelke,” a main disciple of the Mezritcher Maggid and the author of “Divrei Shmuel.”

    A Sign from Heaven? Massive Plague of Locusts Hits Mecca

    What caused the severe locust epidemic to spread in Mecca? Is there a connection to the Weekly Torah Portion ‘Bo’?…

    Hidabroot Convention: End of Summer Retreat 8/31 – 9/2

    Enjoy a Shabbat Retreat, a Motzei Shabbat Grand Event, Inspirational Lectures throughout the weekend, Glatt Kosher Gourmet Meals, Luxurious Accommodation…
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