Watch: The Gravesite of the Maharsha in Ukraine

    Moving video: The gravesite of the Maharsha, Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Eidels, on the anniversary of his passing (Yahrzeit), the 5th…

    Putin: “I Know the Secret of Jewish Survival”

    These are the amazing words Putin told Israeli Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef

    Ikea e nós

    Trecho Diário

    7 Superfoods that Will Boost Your Health

    Healthy eating patterns have been shown to provide significant health benefits. Try adding these food items to your diet

    If G-d Always Loves Us Why Don’t We Always See It?

    G-d always loves us unconditionally, and we must remember that, even when His love is hidden.

    In Israel, Smoking May Be a Part of the Past

    A new law proposal in Israel will try to do this

    Watch Video! Freedom from Anxiety

    What causes anxiety? How can you escape anxiety and panic attacks?

    Hashem Doesn’t Owe You Children

    But if you go above and beyond your obligations, G-d will go above and beyond His

    Maariv: Night Prayer – Ashkenaz

    וְהוּא רַחוּם יְכַפֵּר עָון וְלא יַשְׁחִית. וְהִרְבָּה לְהָשִׁיב אַפּו וְלא יָעִיר כָּל חֲמָתו: ה' הושִׁיעָה. הַמֶּלֶךְ יַעֲנֵנוּ בְיום קָרְאֵנוּ: חזן: בָּרְכוּ…

    Watch NASA’s Rocket Launch Towards the Sun for Closest Look Ever

    The mission was dispatched from Florida, costing a total of $ 1.5 billion. The Parker Solar Probe will make 24…
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