Carlebach Shabbos Medley – Avrumy Straus

    Watch Carlebach Shabbos Medley - Chassidish Style

    Proof of Prophecy: The Second Exile

    In the previous section of "proof of prophecy" we set out the prophecy regarding the First Temple. In this section…

    Kindness on a Plane Flight

    Israeli men calm a mother flying with her baby.

    Kayaker Escapes After Fending Off a Crocodile Attack

    When the crocodile attacked his kayak, he used his paddle to fend the attack and paddle to an island.

    The Rubashkin Story: Uniting a Nation with Faith – Watch

    A moving video shown at the 1st anniversary celebration for Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin recounts the worldwide effort to help him…

    The New York Times Profiles a Nice Normal Neo-Nazi 

    Sometimes they really outdo themselves…

    Israel deve permanecer um estado judaico ou não?

    MK Yisrael Eichler relata como o prefeito de Tel Aviv, Diezengoff, impediu os carros de entrar na cidade no Shabat.

    Asher’s Hanukkah Miracle

    The Hanukkah song Maoz Tzur saved him

    Can I use Marijuana or Alcohol to get Happy According to Jewish Law?

    Find out what's the difference between alcohol and drugs according to Jewish law

    4 Things You Should Never Say to Your Children

    Why we need parenting classes in our generation
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