Did You Know a Single Cloud can Weigh more than 1 Million Pounds?

    How far can chickens fly? How many breaths do you take a year? 10 Interesting facts, you probably didn't know

    Maestro Aharon Zeev Bernstein presents: a clip on the art of sand painting

    The artist Aharon Zeev Bernstein specializes in the art of sand painting, and creates real-looking illustrations and displays for the…

    Maybe Some Tuna

    Twenty-five years after becoming frum, I still feel bad for hurting my parents

    Rachel and Leah – The Desire for Greatness

    We learn from Rachel and Leah that the only way to achieve greatness is to aspire to it and to…

    Yossi Green English Medley – Benny Friedman, The Shira Choir & The A Team

    The A Team is proud to present to you the ultimate Fried Fan Favorite. Featuring his nephew superstar Benny Friedman…

    Candle-Lighting Times: August 31, 2018 | Elul 20, 5778 – Parshat Ki Tavo

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: August 31, 2018 | Elul 20, 5778 - Parshat Ki Tavo

    The Teachings of Our Sages on Marital Harmony

    "The sages have ordered that a man must honor his wife more than he honors himself and love her as…

    Zalman Pollack: Havdalah – Music Video

    You just finished extinguishing your Havdala candles, bringing an end to the light of Shabbat. Hold onto it for just…

    Live, Remember and Tell the World

    An indomitable child survivor tells her incredible story of faith through adversity

    We Didn’t Laugh Enough

    Who is 'Somebody, and 'Nobody', and why should a boss hire me to work? Funny and Encouraging Quotes
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