O mérito de manter o Shabat

    No Clintch de uma grande venda de imóveis, um homem de negócios judeu é confrontado com um dilema; Shabat ou…

    How Much Do You Really Love the Western Wall?

    If you do where were you yesterday?

    Your Son Has Autism? It Can’t Be!

    Nobody believed me when I said my son had autism. At the health clinic they thought I was an insane…

    Thousands Sing ’Ani Ma’amin’ at the Western Wall as the Fast Ends – Must See

    See thousands of Jews singing in unison at the Western Wall – 'Ani Ma'amin' – 'I believe in the coming…

    Did I Make a Mistake By Marrying this Person?

    While matches are made in heaven, married life is a very earthly matter.

    Drugs and Other Quick Fixes

    Drugs can provide instant pleasure. And drugs will dissolve your sense of self until you have no personality left. The…

    See Who Created All These: Rare Footage of Octopus Eggs Hatching

    When you see pictures like this - it is impossible not to admire the greatness and wisdom of God

    Intuition – How Do You Know?

    Intuition, is to be in touch with that true, inner reality of self. That part of us that is closer…

    The Secret Life of Plants – Do Plants have Feelings?

    In 1970, the leading Russian newspaper Pravda announced in an explosive headline: “Plants Speak. Yes, They Shout! Only to Avoid…
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