Women to know : Lakewood’s paragon of chesed, Mrs. Shanik is as busy as any high-powered CEO

    When you want to do something, Hashem just gives you siyata dishmaya

    Tips for Married Life: The Proper Attitude Toward Arguments

    A disagreement can be utilized as a tool to reinforce marital harmony

    See Who Created All These: Rare Footage of Octopus Eggs Hatching

    When you see pictures like this - it is impossible not to admire the greatness and wisdom of God

    Ani Maamin Medley – A Capella Version by Simcha Leiner

    Ani Maamin Medley - Through the Ages. All sounds are vocal. What a voice!

    New Release: Ishay Ribo & Motty Steinmetz – Nafshi

    Unique duet between two very similar and different worlds; Yishai Ribo and Moti Steinmetz. Lyrics: “Nafshi chamda b‘tzel yadecha lada'at…

    Jon Morrow’s Message: “If I Can Do It You Can Too!”

    Suffering from a chronic terminal illness, Jon Morrow became a millionaire by inspiring millions of people to give it their…

    Kosher Fish Go Against The Flow!

    Jews always go against the flow but how do they do it?

    The Day from Which the Fetus is considered a Person

    Scientists Discover: “We do not know much about the development of the brain of the fetus… until about the fortieth…


    Interesting facts on our world which you didn't know about

    Am I Sleeping Enough?

    Is there a recommended amount of sleep that could engender tranquility, clarity of mind and the easy absorption, comprehension and…
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