Money Talks – Self-Esteem and Confidence

    It is of the essence for parents, teachers, and all adults who interact with young people to be sensitive of…

    Journey of the Soul: Just Like You – 8th Day

    A student goes to visit a Jewish sage, and is astounded to see the sage has virtually nothing in his…

    Learn to Love Yourself

    The words of a young woman who almost died of anorexia

    Watch: Wonders of Creation in the Depths of the Ocean

    Jelly fish, sea anemones, shells and countless other amazing creatures - Join a magical journey to the reefs. More wonders…

    Crossing the Sea- Getting Married

    How do you cross the sea and get married?

    Could I Get A Lamb That’s Kosher for a Passover Sacrifice?

    The "Institute For the laws of Sacrifices" found an interesting way to teach about the Passover sacrifice. May we merit…

    The Merit of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness

    Some facts and stories about Rabbi Meir Baal Haness in honor of his yohrzeit

    When Does the Fetus Receive Its Soul?

    It is clear to scientists that at around the fortieth day after conception, the fetus gains the status of a…

    Rabbanit Mizrahi – Projet de sauvetage pour les jeunes.

    Aidons la Rabbanit Mizra’hi à sauver les jeunes gens. Le projet tire à sa fin, faites vite !

    Quality Time in Your Marriage

    A man needs to find the proper balance of quantity and quality. He must know that he has to allocate…
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