Israel’s #1 Protagonist, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev

    10 facts in Honor of his Yohrzeit, today the 25th of Tishrei

    Happy Birthday!

    10 facts about birthdays in Judaism you probably didn’t know.

    Life After Death – Way Beyond Science

    The facts discovered by science regarding 'life after death' appear in numerous places throughout the Torah, which offers additional details…

    Underwater Tablet Dates Back to Bar Kochba Revolt

    The stone slab, dating to the second century, was found underwater at Tel Dor, south of the city of Haifa.

    Singer and Radio Show Host Yehoram Gaon Has What to Say about Shabbat

    “As someone secular I shout out about the honor of Shabbat”!

    All Night Hoshana Rabbah Live Broadcast from Ohr Somayach Jerusalem

    Watch the annual Hoshana Rabbah livestream broadcast from Ohr Somayach Jerusalem. Be inspired throughout the night by world renowned lecturers;…

    Maestro Aharon Zeev Bernstein presents: a clip on the art of sand painting

    The artist Aharon Zeev Bernstein specializes in the art of sand painting, and creates real-looking illustrations and displays for the…

    RARE VISIT: Maran HaGaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Visits Hidabrut Headquarters

    The "Sar HaTorah" (Prince of Torah) himself, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, arrived at Hidabrut headquarters to see for himself how Hidabrut…

    Did Our Ancestors Swing from the Treetops?

    Why Not Believe in Evolution?

    Geography of the Earth

    The earth and the whole universe is expanding
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