Women to know : Dr. Carlebach Jofen is paving the way for the next generation of women

    Every woman can find a personal equilibrium, each one has to actualize her potential

    Chosen Nation: G-d Gave the Torah Only To Us; Isn’t That Discrimination? Part 6

    G-d gives non-Jews the opportunity and divine assistance to know his Torah and convert if they wish

    Parshas Terumah: Standing and Growing

    What is the message of the trees used for the Mishkan?

    2000 Years Ago They Kept Kosher

    Archaeological digging in ancient Jerusalem refuse dumps shows people in Jerusalem ate kosher…

    Watch: Miniscule Antique Tefillin Found in Caucasus

    Amazing Footage: Antique tefillin located in Caucasus – Gone viral

    Saved from Intermarriage: But “I Still Have Thoughts About This Non-Jewish Woman…”

    The danger in intermarriage — to the Jewish people and to every individual Jew

    A Young Woman’s Post about Anxiety Gets over 420,000 Shares!

    Her description of anxiety gave words to thousands suffering from it who couldn’t express it

    Change of Perception – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    Since one cannot change reality, one must learn to change one's attitude towards whatever challenges life presents.

    Wonders of Creation: Flowers Blossoming in Fast Motion

    Enjoy the beauty of nature; don’t forget to thank G-d. “There is no artist like our G-d” (Rashi: Shmuel I…
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