Second Case of Men Who Were Switched at Birth in Same Town

    The same remote Canadian town discovers a second case of being switched at birth, prompting outrage at substandard healthcare.

    Watch: Sirens Imitation – You’ve Never Heard Anything Like it

    Must See: This kid is super-talented when it comes to imitating sirens. Gone viral

    Shabat Hagadol

    "Por que vocês estão pegando o cordeiro?" O povo de Israel respondia: " para sacrificá-lo no sacrifício de Pessach conforme…

    Kobi Peretz & Yaakov Shwekey: ‘Veafilu Behastara’

    G-d stands with us even during difficult times when things are hidden

    Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 3)

    After he gets someone to sin he prosecutes him

    Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi – What Women Really Want

    How did Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi become so famous? Mottle Wolfe interviews the world renowned Rebbetzin and Yikrat Friedman

    Watch: 3 Months of Work & 500 Failures – The Results Speak for Themselves

    After intensive work and hundreds of failures along the way, the mission was completed. What do you think of this…

    Avinu Malkeinu – Shulem Lemmer & The Shira Choir

    "Our father our king, hear our voice, Our father our king, we have sinned before you, Our father our king,…

    From Shimon and Levi to Pinchas and Zimri

    The two Tribes most closely associated with each other are Shimon and Levi. Many years later, their descendants meet again

    Join the Global Online Prayer to Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic

    Jews worldwide will join together TODAY for an online prayer to combat the Coronavirus Pandemic. The prayer will begin at…
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