This is How they Train Kids in China: Excellence from a Young Age – Watch

    When was the last time you came across a boy skipping rope so fast? Only in China

    Things You Will Only See In Dubai

    Lions Cruising, A Flying Tennis Court and Much More Interesting Things - You Will Only See in Dubai

    Jewish Chiropractics: Snapping the Spine into Place

    The role of the spine in Jewish mysticism.

    Watch: What is Wrong with Intermarriage?

    Why is intermarriage such a serious problem? Rabbi Menachem Levine discusses the causes and effects of intermarriage in a panel…

    The Rubashkin Story: Uniting a Nation with Faith – Watch

    A moving video shown at the 1st anniversary celebration for Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin recounts the worldwide effort to help him…

    Repentance for Slander and Gossip

    How should one repent for speaking slander or gossip about a fellow Jew?

    Our Immune System 101

    An animation that puts you inside your body watching the battles it figths daily

    Tehillim – Psalms for Tuesday

    Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Tuesday, divided into daily portions. Tuesday Psalms: Chapters 51 – 72

    Mincha: Afternoon Prayer – Ashkenaz

    אַשְׁרֵי יושְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ. עוד יְהַלְלוּךָ סֶּלָה:  אַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שֶׁכָּכָה לּו. אַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שה' אֱלהָיו:  תְּהִלָּה לְדָוִד. אֲרומִמְךָ אֱלוהַי הַמֶּלֶךְ. וַאֲבָרְכָה…

    When Bill Clinton Wanted to Repent – Rabbi YY Jacobson

    A deep message about the essence of repentance by Rabbi YY Jacobson. Must watch
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