Pourquoi Baba Salé a ordonné d'enterrer les légumes qu'on lui avait donné en cadeau ?

    Une question halakhique intéressante, tirée de la série "Vaarev Na" du Rav Its'hak Zilberstein

    Your Son’s Friends are His Best Teachers!

    Well not exactly but they are far better motivators according to this new study

    A Mother’s Tears

    A mother's tears can move the heavens for their children

    A Stranger Pays a Poor Man’s Debt

    Then he sets him up his own successful business.

    Kindness at a Supermarket

    The cashier swept her own credit card for me!

    I Waited Two Years Before I Signed Up- YOU Shouldn’t!

    "I signed up and found my husband almost immediately!"

    Can People Really Die from Loneliness?

    Studies show: Loneliness Leads to Early Death and many other maladies

    Higher Intelligence

    What you don't know shouldn't make you uncomfortable. You can ascribe it to The Higher Intelligence.

    10 facts on Maimonides (the Rambam)

    Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon was considered one of the greatest codifiers of Jewish law throughout the ages. Why is he…
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