How to Get Over Grudges and Resentment – Rabbi YY Jacobson

    How to Forgive Others, Forgive G-d, and Forgive Yourself. The Ten Days of Repentance is the perfect time to forgive…

    Watch: Snake Disappears In Sand Camouflage

    Be amazed by more Wonders of Creation

    Staying On Track

    What do I do to stay on track in this world? Which track do I take?

    O Shabat – Visitar o palácio do Rei – 4

    Parte 4 : Decretos e Cercas 

    Why Keep Kosher?

    What are the benefits of keeping kosher? Why do Jews keep kosher? Is the reason for keeping kosher related to…

    Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 2)

    He causes man to stumble in sin and temptation in order to increase our reward for doing the right thing

    Emotional Clip: Tefillin for the Last Time in Life

    The young man in the video is not observant in his daily life. But one day he heard that an…

    Goodwill – Choosing the correct course of action

    Sometimes a person has the right intentions and purity of heart but this may not be enough to choose the…

    Proof of Prophecy: The First Exile

    How long did the first exile last? Did someone predict in advance and guarantee that it would happen? Feel what…

    More Than Skin-Deep

    Covering your body is the most fundamental way of using your outside to tell others who you are on the…
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