Having a Large Family

    Many couples these days experience doubts when it comes to having more children. They fear that additional children will create…

    Watch: Rare Video of the Rabbi of Ponevezh

    An exceptional video of the Rabbi of Ponevezh, Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, filmed decades ago at the home of the…

    Efron – Acting on Impulse

    Efron offered Avraham a field as a gift, though suddenly changed his mind. How could Efron change so quickly from…

    Nimrod – Self-Worship

    Nimrod was granted exceedingly great power, but instead of humbling himself he became arrogant, even rejecting the very source of…

    Passover Recipes: Delicious Kneidlach for Your Soup This Passover

    Kneidlach are matzo balls for your Passover chicken soup.

    Slovie Jungreis Wol­ff: Bringing Blessings to your Home

    As a woman you are a source of blessing

    All is For The Best

    If we realize this we make peace with the things we can't understand

    The Secret Life of Plants – Do Plants have Feelings?

    In 1970, the leading Russian newspaper Pravda announced in an explosive headline: “Plants Speak. Yes, They Shout! Only to Avoid…

    The Danger of Fear

    Fear paralyzes people preventing them from growth
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