Touching Gallery: Before and After Cancer

    Adults and children from around the world share pictures of themselves undergoing and overcoming cancer. Inspiring images

    Where is King David Buried?

    Is it on Mount Zion or in Silwan? Records say that Mount Zion was the place, but others say that…

    Boas Férias

    Trecho Diário - Parashat Korach

    The Sheath of the Sun

    Our Sages firmly insisted that a sheath exists around the sun, because the Torah states that it is there. Do…

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant, They Both Go through the Same Things (Part One)

    If you understand what an immigrant goes through you’ll understand what a Baal Teshuva goes through

    Fly Geyser – Incredible Spectacle in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert

    The Fly Geyser is the result of man-made drilling in 1916, when water well drilling accidentally penetrated a geothermal source.…

    Pinchas – Women of Virtue – Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi

    In this week’s parshah we find wonderful role models of women who embodied the concept of emunah

    Reincarnation & the End of Days

    Get on track for eternity, Rabbi Botton tells us what it's all about

    Praying for the Wicked

    Are we supposed to pray for the wicked or should we pray they get destroyed?
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