Finding the Right Job – Create Your Path to Professional Satisfaction

    Have you spent countless hours, days and weeks searching for the ideal job opportunity? Career Coach Tzvi Broker presents "The…

    Como deve ser minha mesa de Shabat?

    Você realmente deve desfrutar de iguarias no Shabat e isso é sagrado!

    Watch: Spring Flowers Blossoming Before your Eyes

    Wonders of Creation: Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds us. G-d created infinite types of…

    Geography of the Earth

    The earth and the whole universe is expanding

    Henry Fuerte, a 9/11 World Trade Center Survivor Tells his Story

    “Why did I survive when 256 co-workers, 70 of them personal friends died?”

    The Different Types of Kabbalah

    What is Kabbalah? The word Kabbalah has several meanings

    Understanding the Sins of Great People in the Torah – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    Did Adam, Abraham and King David really sin? Rabbi Akiva Tatz explains the sins of the Biblical Greats from a…

    Honoring Your Fellow Man

    Basic respect is a fundamental human need. As the highest form of creation, the human being feels dejected when embarrassed,…

    Rare Footage of the Chafetz Chaim Surfaces – Must Watch

    Rare footage of Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan, known as the Chafetz Chaim, attending the First Agudat Yisrael Congress in Vienna.…

    Watch: The Machine that Braids Thousands of Challah Breads an Hour

    Amazing footage from a bakery in northern Switzerland. Thousands of challot braided in under an hour, to cope with the…
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