Woman Posted in Favor of “Mother Rachel” Over Rabin and Was Blocked by Facebook

    I’d rather teach my children about our Mother Rachel’s heritage instead of Rabin’s heritage

    Enhancing Your Mitzvah

    Know what you're doing when you do a mitzvah

    Dreams – The Spiritual Realm of the Mundane

    Among other messages, dreams convey that our mundane, daily lives can in fact be transformed and elevated to the spiritual…

    Keep an Eye on Your Daughter that’s Mommy’s Helper

    You should know what makes her tick

    Chasidic Medley – FDD Vocal

    Brilliant Chasidic vocal medley brought to you by FDD Production LTD. Must see

    No Questions Asked

    A story from one of the darkest periods in Jewish history

    Shidduch saga

    Right time, right place

    Charity Commitments

    What should be done in a situation where one has committed to giving charity to a certain cause, and it…

    Watch: Creative and Refreshing Watermelon Ideas

    Want to be a gracious host? Here are three great tips that will satisfy your guests

    A Short Film with a Powerful Message – Must See

    Is money all that matters in life? How would you respond in this circumstance? Gone viral
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