Good Choices Produce Good Results – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    Sometimes one of our choices in life may be very difficult for us, even though it is the right one.…

    Watch: Wonders of Creation – Blossoms Flowering in Slow Motion

    More Wonders of Creation: Amazing processes occur daily, under our noses. See one of them, and don't forget to thank…

    How Did Rabbi Kanievsky Know the Groom’s Tzitzit Were Invalid?

    A groom went in to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky to receive a blessing. To his shock, the rabbi asked him “Why…

    I’m Good With G-d without His Commandments !

    Speaking to G-d is a wonderful thing but make sure to take out your earplugs so you can hear what…

    The Big Chazaq Event – A Night of Unity and Inspiration

    Don’t miss out on the annual Chazaq event on Sunday night the 15th of July 2018. Featuring Rabbi YY Jacobson,…

    Wedding Medley – Lipa Schmeltzer & Shira Choir

    Performed by A Berko Productions. Guest singer, Beri Weber

    Emotional Clip: Tefillin for the Last Time in Life

    The young man in the video is not observant in his daily life. But one day he heard that an…

    Watch: A Jewish Wedding at The Klatzko’s

    Must See: Marina grew up in Uman, Ukraine playing the organ for a local church. Little did she know, she…

    Supermom! Lydia Mesilati was a Foster Mother for 20 Children

    These 26 are mine! True 6 were born to me but my foster children were mine in every way

    The Holiness of Marriage according to Kabbalah – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    A marital relationship that is formed through holiness creates a spiritual light in the higher worlds and brings down a…
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